Midland Drone Surveying Services
Midland drone surveying services are a major improvement over the traditional methods of using helicopters or airplanes, or conducting surveys with boots on the ground. Lone Star Drone can provide you with drone surveying services in Midland TX that are much more cost effective and efficient. We can help you perform surveys of areas that can’t safely be accessed by humans, such as those will difficult terrain.
A drone can fly over a much wider area in a shorter amount of time. Not only does it deliver accurate results, it can do so in a much safer manner. When you look at all of the benefits, it might be time you seriously considered drone surveying services in Midland TX from Lone Star Drone.
How Accurate is a Drone?
Some of our clients are skeptical of the capabilities of drones at first. They’re particularly skeptical regarding the accuracy of our equipment. However, our drone surveying services in Midland TX are extremely accurate, oftentimes within two centimeters of the actual location. We have equipment that is even more accurate. One of the reasons why you should always work with a professional drone company like Lone Star Drone is because we have access to much more accurate equipment, and we know all of the factors that go into determining the best possible results.
Mapping a Flight
It takes time and effort to properly plan a drone survey flight. All of the perimeters and coordinates have to be accurate in order for the survey to be successful. Then, all of the information needs to be entered into a software system. Once that is complete, the pilot will need to be certain that no hazards, such as buildings or other obstacles, will interrupt the flight path of the drone.
This is yet another reason to choose a professional company for your survey. Professionals know how to take care of all the planning in the fastest, most efficient manner possible.

Please contact Lone Star Drone at your earliest convenience to learn more about Midland drone surveying services. You can give us a call at 817-642-7499 or use our online form.