Midland Drone Mapping Services
Midland drone mapping services from Lone Star Drone could be invaluable to your construction company. There are a multitude of applications for drone mapping services in Midland TX, but they are particularly beneficial to construction operations. Drone mapping not only provides data, it also gives you the opportunity to analyze that data in real time. This real-time snapshot can provide a powerful impact, and help you boost your company’s bottom line.
We receive a lot of questions from construction companies regarding how they can best utilize drone mapping. Here are the answers to some of the questions we get on a regular basis.
Why is Quick Data Turnaround So Important?
The data turnaround offered by Midland drone mapping services allows companies to make on-the-fly corrections to project bids, making those bids more accurate in the process. It can also provide a detailed look as to the real-time progress of a project.
Why is In-House Drone Mapping a Bad Idea?
One of the biggest reasons to choose Lone Star Drones for your drone mapping services in Midland TX is cost. It’s simply too expensive for most operations to try to an create their own in-house programs. The computers needed to be able to process data arriving from multiple sites is often cost prohibitive, as is purchasing photogrammetry software.
What Drone Mapping Applications Do Construction Companies Typically Use the Most?
The two most popular applications are volume tracking and volumetrics. Many companies use drone mapping services in Midland TX to track the same area weekly, showing them how much work has been completed on a project. It helps then with analyzing their production rates, which helps them provide more accurate bids on future projects.
These just scratch the surface of the many uses of Midland drone mapping services. This technology is revolutionizing the construction industry. If you have yet to take advantage, you could be falling behind. Please get in touch with Lone Star Drone to explore the many ways we can increase your efficiency while lowering your costs. Contact us online or call 817-642-7499.

Experience and Skill
Another reason to choose Lone Star Drone is that we only use the most sophisticated equipment available, piloted by skilled, certified pilots who are committed to their craft. We hold ourselves to higher standards than other companies that offer similar services, and we’re ready to put that passion to work for you.
Learn more about our Fort Worth drone LiDAR mapping services by calling Lone Star Drone at 817-642-7499 or by using our convenient online form to get in touch.